
Learning the ARM Processor

On the way back from Intel, Penang after conducting the second lecture in ARM processors.

The students presented their first assignment. All were successful in their attempt to make the LED blink on their ARM boards. To close the project, they are to upload to YouTube the steps taken in the assignment.

Five groups used the Olimex LPC2103 board sold by SparkFun of Hong Kong. One group used the LPC2149 board made in Thailand and sold by a company in Melaka. Four groups used the GNU toolchain and programmed their boards using USB-to-serial converters. These groups seems to have the least problems. Two groups used the Keil toolchain. No problems when presenting but they could not the same stack frame as the GNU toolchain. Two groups tried to used the JTAG port.

I covered ARM assembly language and stack frames. For the second assignment, they are to interface the ARM board with a passive circuit (LED, 7-seg display, pot, etc) and write the device driver in ARM assembler.

There was a Ruby Brigade meet on Friday but couldn't attend it. ;(

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